Student Services
Mrs. Jodi Peterson - Director of Student Services
Secretary: Mrs. Megan Goetz
NOTICE: Timely and Meaningful Consultation
On May 20, 2024 at 1:00 p.m., the Timely Meaningful Consultation meeting conducted by Putnam County School District #535 will take place at Putnam County Primary School District Office, 400 E. Silverspoon Ave., Granville, IL 61326.
The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the District’s plans for providing special education services to students with disabilities who attend private schools or are homeschooled within the District for the 2024-2025 school year.
If you are a parent of a private schooled or homeschooled student who has been identified as having a disability and you reside within the boundaries of PC #535, you are encouraged to participate. For more information regarding the meeting, please contact Susan McNelis, PC #535 Director of Student Services, (815) 882.2800 opt. 8.
Safe2Help is a safe and confidential way to share information that may help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence, and other threats to student safety. See the following letter for more info and how to report: Letter
Contact Methods
Help Line - (844)4-SAFEIL
Text Line - SAFE2
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