Superintendent's Message:
I want to take this opportunity to wish all the families, community members, and Putnam County residents a safe, relaxing, and Happy Holiday season! Also, with this time of year comes the possibility of inclement weather that could interrupt the plans for our normal school day. As District Superintendent, I want everyone to know that any decisions regarding questionable weather and the safety of our students is taken very seriously. The decision on whether or not school will be cancelled due to weather related issues will try to be made as soon as possible. As a rule of thumb, I would like to make the decision prior to 6:00 AM. However, Mother Nature does not always cooperate with that time table. In an effort to promote more efficient communication between the school district and families, we have developed a free new app that can be downloaded on any smartphone or device that uses the internet. If you visit your app store and search Putnam County Schools you should find an app available with the Black & Gold PC Shield created by Apptegy. Please feel free to download the app. Also, in order to receive any of the informational notifications sent by the school district you must all notifications when prompted during the download. This app will be utilized for pushing out notices such as weather related decisions, early dismissals, and important information and events from each school. Also, if you visit our new website at, you can click on Menu, then under District you can click on Communications Data Entry. There will be a link for you to provide your name and cell phone number(s) if you would like to receive text/SMS notifications as well. Anyone that has already downloaded the app should have already been receiving information so long as you allowed to receive notifications. We will still contact the local radio stations as well. However, this app allows for us to push this information immediately which is very helpful as we know how hectic morning schedules and routines are on a daily basis. If anyone has questions on the app please feel free to contact me via email or call the district office. Again, on behalf of the Board of Education, administration, and staff we want to extend our best wishes for a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
Warm Wishes,
Carl B. Carlson