We had an indoor “snowball fight” in Mrs. Edens’s preschool class today! The kids had a blast!❄️

Some time was set aside today for staff wellness and team building at PCES. Staff members enjoyed crafting and painting colorful and unique clipboards.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

Putnam County Friends & Families,
Our second grade teachers could use your help. If you would like to send a postcard or if you know someone in another state willing to send us a postcard, we would appreciate it. Our students would really enjoy reading and learning about different places.
Mrs. Mott

These two amazing students were today’s announcers. Great job, kiddos!

Congratulations to Special Olympics Basketball winners from this past weekend!
Alyssa - Gold
Chasity - Gold
Blake - Gold
Matthew - Bronze
Max - Bronze

PCJH and PCHS music playing together for tonight's games!

PCHS band does a phenomenal job! Stop by tonight and listen for yourself!

A Yee-haw is in order. These super smart students are the week’s Math Fact Masters!

Students in Mr. Curry's Art class are doing a project in which they trace their hand, decorate it with henna art from India, then used water colors they decorate it and adjust the tension of the brush for different effects. They also added salt to leave a color when it dried.

PC #535: PCHS Theatre is hosting a trivia night this Saturday evening at 7 PM with proceeds supporting the Spring musical production of Willy Wonka. See District social media or contact Natalie Hulstrom at hulstromn@pcschools535.org for more details or to reserve a table.

Tables are still available for this weekend's Trivia Night hosted by PCHS Theatre! All proceeds will support this Spring's musical production of Willy Wonka - see the image for more details:

PCHS back to doing great things after break!

PCES students are busy writing a New Year resolution or goal for themselves to kick off 2023!

Great to be back and have students learning again! Reading classes went to the library and checked out new books to start the year!

PC #535: A friendly reminder that school resumes on Thursday, January 5th, 2023, with normal schedules. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Finals went well the last few days and we hope everyone enjoys break!

We had a fun morning full of surprises. First, our teachers entertained us with some fun Reindeer games and then Santa came for a quick visit and read us a story!

PC #535: Please see the following link for a brief District monthly update - https://5il.co/1m51r
Happy Holidays from all of us at PC #535!

At PCES, we love traditions…old and new! This has been one of our longest running traditions for over a decade. There’s no better way to start the last day of school before winter break than being greeted by our rooftop guests and loud holiday music!