Happy Thanksgiving to all PC #535 students, staff, and families!

For the past couple of weeks, PCES students have been learning about the cardiovascular system. Today, Mr. Baumgartner showed students a portion of a cow’s heart so they could observe things such as veins, arteries, and ventricles.

Kindergarten enjoyed eating their pie feast today!

Congratulations to Coach Heuser and the 7th Grade Girls Basketball team on their Regional Championship. They defeated JFK 30-15 and advance to the Sectional Championship Wednesday, November 30th 6:00pm in Lexington. Congratulations Lady Pumas!

We LOVED having our high school students join us for our good behavior assembly. Thank you to Mr. Newsome and Mr. Schrank for helping with our assembly and for allowing the the high schoolers to join us. They really made this assembly special! A big thanks to Dr. T for dressing as the panther. What a great sport!!

Come on out and watch the PCHS play tonight and tomorrow at 7:00!

These super smart Math Fact Masters were saying, “I love math facts,” as I took this picture. We also celebrated with a hallway yeehaw! Way to go kiddos! I am very proud of you!

We are so excited to have our special author, Amy Logan here at PCPS. She will be back at the Primary School tonight at 5:00

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

With School Psychologist Week last week, thank you Mrs. Es Harris for all of your service to PC students and schools! Your care and determination to do what is best for students is greatly appreciated!

In observance of School Board Members Day, thank you to current and past members of the PC #535 Board of Education for your time and service to our students and schools!

PC #535: Green Bus continues to be behind schedule. Thank you for your patience!

PC #535: Due to mechanical issues, Green Bus will be delayed 30 to 40 minutes this morning.

PCJH Veterans Day assembly. Our Chorus and Band performed and Maj. (Retired) Steven Doehling spoke to our students.

Today our PCES students honored Veterans near and far. Thank you, Veterans, for your courage and service to our county!

On Veterans Day, PCHS came together to honor all those who have served our country. We are forever grateful to all who serve, today and everyday.

Celebrating being Math Fact Masters with a hallway Yeehaw! Congratulations and way to go kiddos!

Happy Veterans Day from the Primary School students and staff. We loved honoring our special Veterans in our assembly yesterday!

Putnam County Athletic Boosters will be having a fundraiser at the Clover Club on Sunday, November 13th starting at noon. See the link below for details.

PC Picassos is an after-school art program offered to PCES students. This program is one night a week for 5 weeks and is led by an IVCC instructor. Thank you to the PC Education Foundation for making this wonderful opportunity possible!