The link below contains Lil' Cheer Camp information!

Book share with Mrs. Ibarra on a great Friday morning!

PCES celebrating Veterans Day today - thank you for your service!

PCHS had their Veteran's day assembly today. We had two guest speakers, SSgt Hayes and SSgt Koch. The PCHS Band and Choir both performed. Ferdese and McKinley led us in Pledge, Jaiden and Chloe introduced our speakers. Thank you for all involved in making this a successful event.

We enjoyed watching second grade's version of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Friendly reminder that the PC Athletic Booster Club will be having a meeting tonight at Putnam County HS in the media center starting at 5pm.

The 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game for tonight 11/9 at Waltham has been cancelled and will be rescheduled. 7th Grade Boys Basketball will practice until 4:30, Cheerleading practice will be from 4:30-6:00. We will update as games are scheduled.

7th Grade Boys Basketball Practice is until 4:30 tonight

Our AG Mechanics classes are busy building beautiful wood pieces such as book shelves, signs, bird houses, trunks, tables, etc. Evan Turner constructed and painted the American Flag Table. The duck boxes were a collaboration between Bryce Smith, Josh Dove, and Ryan Hundley.

The 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball games for tonight 11/8 @ Spring Valley JFK has been cancelled. We will keep you updated on rescheduled dates and we will be in communication on any other game changes for this week. Practice time today for 7th Grade Boys will be announced soon.

PCHS Families: You will find the Panther Family Memo for this week at the following link: https://bit.ly/PantherFamilyMemo11-5

PC #535 - Please see the following for the weekly District update - https://5il.co/11hdc

Students in Mrs. Ibarra's class (PCJH) incorporating some unique grouping and creativity into a reading review

PCHS Interact is collaborating with PC Rotary and North Central Regional Betterment Coalition on a service project to provide books to families with newborns across Putnam, Bureau, and LaSalle Counties

Here are a couple of PCJH Athletic updates:
The Lady Puma Classic Planning Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd will be postponed and re scheduled for a later date.
The 7th &8th Grade Boys Basketball game for Thursday, November 4th will start at 4:30PM at PCJH.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM.

Halloween at PCPS!

Halloween at PCES!

Happy Halloween from the scientists at PCES!

PC #535: We found that the list of individuals opted into the District's texts was malfunctioning for the past few weeks. The issue should be resolved, and you should receive all future texts.