The 7&8 Grade Girls basketball teams start their season Saturday 3/20 @ El Paso Gridley. Live stream info. Through Facebook Live...
almost 4 years ago, Mike Olson
PCHS: Please review the following for updates on graduation, prom, NHS, and awards night -
almost 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
Class of 2021: REMINDER - FAFSA is a graduation requirement this year! See the following link for an online FAFSA workshop next week -
almost 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PCHS: Please see the attached letter regarding the SAT and other required assessments -
almost 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PCHS: Please see the following letter for March dates and updates -
about 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
about 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PCHS: The 5Essentials Survey will be administered beginning March 12, 2021. For more information and opt out options, please review the following link:
about 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
about 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PC 535: ACC students will be remote. Safe School and CBS students WILL be picked up for school today. DHH students WILL be picked up for school today.
about 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PC 535: There will be NO school today due to the high number of staff out recovering from the adverse effects of their vaccination. The district will use an emergency day today which will need to be made up at the end of the year. Take care everyone!
about 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PCHS Faculty & Staff: Power is currently out at the high school until further notice. There may be disruptions to school-based email and Google use.
about 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PCJH Lady Pumas Volleyball at LaSalle Lincoln on 2/25 4:30 start live stream information: LaSalle Lincoln live stream our games on FaceBook page is:
about 4 years ago, Mike Olson