Please see the letter for Thursday, December 17th Remote Learning Information for PCJH.

PC 535:District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VTyD4s3VVSGEoRYD4X_CfdblV1CYuQB4hiIlAp6vMW4/edit?usp=sharing

New items have been added to the online PCHS Athletic Garage Sale! Click the link below to see what is available.

PCHS Online Athletic Garage Sale! Click on the link below to view what is available. All items are free but donations are appreciated.
Happy Holidays!

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W74fKmJ33EfwvsI9VA1Poqkp3G8nNhqradYo-wcw_Lk/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: Final exams are next Thursday (12/17/2020) and Friday (12/18/2020). Please refer to the following letter for info that was also shared via email on 11/30/2020 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w9hIIwrkladfND9pj9E-XIuTdeUM76ye/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CdXtbddV7vpUc6z3GYy7SkWovzCDoBFzZm7yLupbDac/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: See the following for dates and reminders for December 2020 (links from this message are also available on the PC #535 website under "Live Feed") - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NHahRU0jbJZwvC-MAPZA2nlSJealPnO7/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: Please review Blue Point Test Announcement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hq9frPMzvd3Ur-CbqyNSM6vY36bBeiQPrBcvyb7HS5A/edit?usp=sharing

See the link for a letter for tips and guidance for remote learning. Thank you and stay safe.

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZnGGgeM3Bg4sb51ukmLbloLK6F4zAmxi3IPP6G9HskI/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UIyTXtcJNEh5G5D2L5O5L1rT4cEveLiwcI8YEVrxbP8/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: BP Safety Test @ HS please view details https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oBYX6gokz1MYo8MmDAEpbCurW0_n6TkMg8YQXOjfcaU/edit?usp=sharing

PC #535: Safety test being conducted at PCHS at 1:00 PM, see the following for more info - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oBYX6gokz1MYo8MmDAEpbCurW0_n6TkMg8YQXOjfcaU/edit

PC 535: BP Safety Test @ HS please view details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oBYX6gokz1MYo8MmDAEpbCurW0_n6TkMg8YQXOjfcaU/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: Please review the following letter regarding success during remote learning - https://drive.google.com/file/d/114ymf55Z4gPI5xxII-Ba8pSQT_CaXVYn/view?usp=sharing

Please see the following letter for information for PCJH students and parents.