Please see the letter for Thursday, December 17th Remote Learning Information for PCJH.
about 4 years ago, Mike Olson
New items have been added to the online PCHS Athletic Garage Sale! Click the link below to see what is available.
about 4 years ago, Chris Newsome
PCHS Online Athletic Garage Sale! Click on the link below to view what is available. All items are free but donations are appreciated. Happy Holidays!
about 4 years ago, Chris Newsome
PCHS: Final exams are next Thursday (12/17/2020) and Friday (12/18/2020). Please refer to the following letter for info that was also shared via email on 11/30/2020 -
over 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PCHS: See the following for dates and reminders for December 2020 (links from this message are also available on the PC #535 website under "Live Feed") -
over 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
over 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
See the link for a letter for tips and guidance for remote learning. Thank you and stay safe.
over 4 years ago, Mike Olson
over 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PC #535: Safety test being conducted at PCHS at 1:00 PM, see the following for more info -
over 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
over 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PCHS: Please review the following letter regarding success during remote learning -
over 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Please see the following letter for information for PCJH students and parents.
over 4 years ago, Mike Olson