PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MxY9acEr3B6PRDwzAOjOzx8T_E9hGhZb-kZW7MW6KKc/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: Please complete the PC Remote Learning Meal Survey if you intend to participate. Here is the link: https://forms.gle/tcp7nb7boxxTuyLy6

PC 535: Reminder: Cub Scout sign-ups Tonight @ Mark Park from 6-7. Anyone with questions can email king.stacey11@gmail.com

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FKgrI8tz4-cWfeSrXfl_hBD9FyhUYjaFKM8uQJdEK_I/edit?usp=sharing

See the link for information and updates for PCJH>

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1geEAkTGhmXG8G-Zu6vwRBRaIRY0ezFiZyTi2c7rosO4/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: Monthly Message - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEvuMMUGnuSqnvK21NbfzIGRlcdQyJRl/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-hJILOH8Y6jL9WzStjw9uaNEJ8EHun5chnhaPixIJV0/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w3axecR98iw-gCTKMYQ6QBc1nROzWJVFYO8_LDKv_Hg/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: Green Bus broke down before start of its route. Another bus is on the way-running about 20 min behind.

See the following link for PCJH Parent Letter:

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fFwt8BnT_eeVNH6na4GBQiTZhufFuMQRb_zgrVeeLcU/edit?usp=sharing

Chromebooks may be working again. Please have remote learners complete these steps again:
1. Have students shut down chromebook.
2. Have students Remove User of any students, but keep MAP Testing. and then have them
3. Restart and log in.
4. Go to settings and make sure the date and time is correct.
5. If not correct - change to correct date and time.
6. Turn chromebook off and wait 10 seconds.
7. Log back in.
8. Students should be able to connect and use all features.
If a student does not have or can't remember their log in or gmail, please let me know.
If a student needs a barracuda password reset or set up, please let me know. Thanks, Mr. Olson

The Jr. High Remote Learners are still unable to fully access their Chromebooks and Google Classroom. Our Tech. Director is working to corrcect the issue as quickly as possible. I will send updates and confirm when access is gained. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Due to the power outage last week, Jr. High students will not be able to log into their chromebooks, this includes Remote Learners. The District Tech. Director is aware and working to correct the problem. I will send another message when it is resolved. Thank you for your patience.

As we retrun to learning tomorrow, see the link for information to start the school year.
Link for Parent Drop Off.

PC 535 Primary school letter

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iop96EYcUdRR5wP0Hr2RdNUMErGsskValOxFT3x4TPQ/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: District Update link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yeQkheDvLIIgzkI6jSKDL8wUnY3bo0CX6iR77f2FNrQ/edit?usp=sharing