PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

PC #535: Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. Please visit the following link for more details: https://5il.co/1sptc

Preschool had a great day of fun activities with materials and volunteers from Wal-Mart. All of the kiddos were able visit four different stations full of fun crafts, activities and snacks! Thank you to Wal-Mart for partnering with us for an awesome day!

2nd grade had fun today making Peep Mobiles and seeing whose Peep Mobile would travel the furthest with 3 puffs of air! The kids used lots of creativity during this STEAM challenge!

Mrs. Miller and her VIP welcomed PCJH staff & students on the last day before Spring Break with music, welcome messages, and a ticket for a drawing at the end of the day. What a great way to start the last day!

PC #535: Phone service has been restored to the schools. Thank you for your patience!

Family, friends, and fellow PC Elementary students had a chance to walk through our 5th grade living wax museum today. Congratulations to all of our 5th graders on a job well done!

Please see the link for 8th Grade Graduation Slideshow information for 8th Grade Students:

In recognition of Paraprofessional Appreciation Day, thank you to all the Paraprofessionals across PC #535 who provide important support and guidance to our students every day!

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

PC #535: All schools are currently experiencing issues with their phone lines. Please email Secretaries or Principals with absences or any other needs. Thanks for your patience!

In recognition of National School Librarian Day, thank you to PC #535's Library Media Specialist Miss Annette Davis and the Media Aides around the District (Mrs. Vice, Mrs. Mertel, and Mrs. Thompson) for spreading the joy of reading and everything else you do for students!

PC #535: Please see the following for the District monthly update - https://5il.co/1rqrq

Mrs.Boudreu and her VIP greeted students & staff this morning with an Opening MLB Weekend theme. Play Ball & have a great day! they had sport shirts on, had baseball themed music playing, and handed out welcome messages and treats! They "Hit It Out of The Park" this morning!

PC #535: Due to potentially hazardous weather and travel conditions later this afternoon, all PC #535 schools will dismiss at 1:00 PM today. Afternoon preschool and after school events/practices are canceled today as well.

Check out these super smart Mathfact Masters! Talk about quickly knowing their math facts. These guys were spot on. Way to go kiddos!!

Even though Cheerleading is over, our team wanted to continue to spread school spirit and they decorated the lockers of our track student- athletes. Great Job Puma Cheerleaders!

Our cast for Willy Wonka was incredible! What an amazing performance by everyone involved!

Special shout-out to these super smart Mathfact masters! We did something different today. They each got to pick their age in the total number of flash cards they were quizzed on. They all were able to quickly tell me the answers. Way to go kiddos!

See the link for PCJH Graduation Information: