I went to the High School Spring Play-Willy Wonka- The entire cast did an amazing job! Special shoutout to the Junior High participants. Congrats to Seth, Ella, Riley, Mrs. Lenkaitis, and Sawyer!

Mr. Curry's Ceramics class touching up their art after using molds

PCJH Yearbook forms have been distributed and they are due to your child's VIP teacher by Tuesday, April 4th.

Thank you to the PCHS cast and crew of Willy Wonka for inviting the elementary students to a sneak preview of the show!

Home opener for our Puma Scholastic Bowl team! Good luck Pumas and Mrs. Boudreau!

It was great to get to go to the high school to preview their Spring Play- Willy Wonka and see our PCJH students, our own Mrs. Lenkaitis and, current PCHS students performing!
Great job by all!

Today 1st grade made shamrock pie in a cup for their narrative writing experience!

Today 1st grade made shamrock pie in a cup for their narrative writing experience!

Mrs. Ibarra & Mrs. Thompson talking about great books that our 7th Graders can read. We are always looking for ways to help encourage our students to read a variety of good books.

Students in Ms. Erickson's English Class presented their expository writing projects today.

Going along with our transportation theme, students in Mrs. Edens’s class had fun making stoplights for snack today.

PC #535: A reminder that the Illinois 5Essentials Survey is open for parent response through March 31st, 2023. Please use the following link to take the survey: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

Check out these super smart Mathfact masters who have been patiently waiting for their time to shine, and they did not disappoint. We even added a subtraction fact and they all knew it! Way to go kiddos.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

It's only Tuesday but our PCES students have been busy this week!

Congratulations to Sihana for being named the ACC student of the month for March! Keep up the amazing work in cosmetology!

Congratulations to Alyssa for earning gold for state basketball skills and Blake for earning silver. PCHS is very proud of both of you!

The PCJH & PCHS band performed God Bless America and the PCJH & PCHS choir sang the National Anthem at the Peoria Riverman game Friday night. They did an amazing job and it was cool to se the Pumas & Panthers on the big screen! Nice job Ms. Klypchak & Ms. Hulstrum!

Ms. Cheryl from the Granville library brought a surprise visitor to PCES today! "Southclaw" from the Pistol Shrimp and Mrs. Balestri had fun quizzing some students on baseball trivia!

We had a state send off today for Blake and Alyssa as they will compete in the Special Olympics state finals tomorrow!