Day 2 of Respect Week and we are rocking our purple today! @ucsillinois

We are excited to be celebrating Respect Week at Putnam County High School! @ucsillinois

Shout out to PCHS Students Mikenna B. and Emma N. for participating in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics this past weekend!

We are very proud of these super smart mathfact masters!!

Mr. Bill Meyers from Ottawa shared the art of storytelling with students this morning.

PCJH and Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Carboni held our annual Rebecca Caudill Reading Program Celebration. Congratulations to our 6th Grade readers!!! Please see the link for the article about thecelebration.
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Congratulations to our 7th Grade Volleyball on winning the Championship of the Little Tri-County Conference Tournament. The 7th Grade Lady Pumas also finished as regular season champions as well. Great Job!

Today as part of Putnam County High School FFA Week, the FFA leadership team came to PCJH and presented to our 8th graders what FFA does at PCHS, how to join, and the Ag. classes available, and the numerous opportunities in FFA.

Congratulations to Payton and Patrick on being selected to receive the John Ourth Student Recognition Award. This award is based on character, academic achievement, and service. Patrick and Payton are excellent recipients of this award.

The Starved Rock region of the Illinois Principals Association hosted their annual John Ourth recognition ceremony today. Eight of our PC students were recognized for their outstanding character and leadership. Congratulations to each one of these very deserving students!

Congratulations to Emma and Nick for being selected for the John Ourth Student Recognition Award! This award is based on academic achievement, character, leadership, and character. Both Emma and Nick exemplify these qualities and are excellent role models at PCHS!

Congratulations to the PCJH Band members who were selected to perform at the IVCC Jr. High Honor Band Festival. They did an outstanding job! Congratulations to Ms. Klypchak and Veronika M, Ella S, Piper T, Nora B, Sofia B, Bryson B, & Maddox B! Great Job!

Congratulations to Mrs. LeQuia for being named the 2023 New Teacher of the Year! What an honor and accomplishment! PCHS is fortunate to have you!

Today is International Random Act of Kindness Day! Mrs. Balestri handed out black and gold bee bracelets to everyone as a reminder to "bee" kind not just today, but everyday!

Our VIPs had an all school competition on Presidential trivia. They had teams and used their chrome books to answer questions on Kahoot!

A huge shoutout to these amazing math fact masters! They worked hard to know their facts quickly and with confidence. Way to go kiddos!!

PC #535: A reminder that the Illinois 5Essentials Survey is open for parent response through March 31st, 2023. Please use the following link to take the survey: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

Ending our day with a little Valentine's Day party in each homeroom!

**Save the Date** - Freshman Orientation will be held Thursday, March 2nd from 6:00-7:00 PM.