PCJH: Due to plumbing issues in the building, all students and staff are being transported via bus to PCHS at this time. We will send an update as soon as possible.
almost 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC #535: Please see the following notice regarding cases of strep throat - https://5il.co/1qe7o
almost 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
In recognition of National School Social Worker Week, thank you to social workers Ms. Kylie Judd and Ms. Gina Urnikis for all you do for the students of PC #535!
almost 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Ms. Poignant from the Illinois AG Extension office visited 2nd grade today. She taught us about growing plants and soil composition. Each student got to make their own terrarium and plant a couple seeds. The students chose between marigold, watermelon, green bean, radish and wild flower seeds. We can’t wait to watch them grow!
about 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
AG in the classroom
AG in the classroom
AG in the classroom
As we wrap up Respect Week, we want to thank all of those students and staff who participated in our dress up days! @ucsillinois
about 2 years ago, Dustin Schrank
Mrs. Olson & her VIP greeted students with music, March Madness messages, a chance to take some shots for treats, and a Friday message to have a "championship" Friday! We also have our March Book Madness Hats Off For Reading Day! Great Start to our day!
about 2 years ago, Michael Olson
March Madness
shots up
Beep beep! Principal taxi coming through! 3 of our PCES students were escorted to and from the media center and PE today by their principal, Mrs. Balestri, in a fancy rolling chair. Congrats to our raffle winners: John C., Aubrey Z., and Harper H.!
about 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
2nd grade had fun with rotations during Dr. Seuss day! Each teacher had a station and the kids rotated through each classroom, Mrs. Bush read Cat and the Hat and the kids did a directed drawing, Miss Kimble read One, Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and then kids made a funny thing, and Mrs. Bell read The Cat and the Hat Comes Back and made funny hats! The kids had a lot of fun!
about 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
 Cat in the hat
Cat in the hat
cat in the hat
Celebrating day 4 of Respect Week. Pretty awesome to see all the comradery this week! @ucsillinois
about 2 years ago, Dustin Schrank
Congratulations to the February Students of The Month for PCJH. Ella, Ariel, & Kade all have displayed great character and hard work this month. Way to go! Big Thank you to the Putnam County PTO who provides gift cards every month for our winners!
about 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Congratulations to our 7th Grade Volleyball team on their Regional Championship last night! They advance to the Sectional Championship on Monday, March 6th at Lexington Jr, High. Congratulations Pumas!
about 2 years ago, Michael Olson
PCHS proudly presents "Willy Wonka" this month! See the image for more details and ticket purchases.
about 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Willy Wonka
Today is day 3 of Respect Week. Today we are celebrating autism awareness! @ucsillinois
about 2 years ago, Dustin Schrank
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Congratulations to these super smart Mathfact masters! All of these super smart students told me math the strategies they used to solve some of the facts. I was very impressed! Way to go kiddos!
about 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
Mathfact Masters
PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).
about 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Day 1 Brackets for the PCJH March Book Madness!
about 2 years ago, Michael Olson
March Madness
PCJH updated our media center with new tables and chairs to provide a comfortable learning environment for our students.
about 2 years ago, Michael Olson
MC tables
PC #535 is proud to recognize the following individuals with this year's Excellence in Education awards sponsored by ROE #35: Jamie Kunkel, Eric Masini, Rebecca Boudreau, Josh Curry, and Cory Staley!
about 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC #535: Please see the following link for the District monthly update - https://5il.co/1pto7
about 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
During the Month of March, PCJH will be celebrating Reading with a March Madness Book Contest. Students will select books from our Book Brackets until we have a school champion! To help celebrate, we will have Dress Up days related to the books!
about 2 years ago, Michael Olson
dress up days