An incredible message today about choices and making the most of life. Thank you for the inspiration, Marc Mero!

Angie Serafini, Putnam County Primary, was awarded a $700.00 grant from the The Illinois Retired Teachers Association Foundation (IRTAF)! This request is to help create a Play-Based Learning environment for Kindergarten students. Two of her favorite teachers, Adriane Shore (far left) and Jackie Sapienza (far right) presented her grant.

Check out these amazing Math Fact Masters! They knew all of their math facts quickly and easily. Of course we celebrated with a hallway Yee-haw.

We celebrated our fall senior student-athletes tonight at PCHS! Varsity volleyball topped it off with a win against Henry!

P.E. classes working on Presidential Fitness.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).
Also, there is no school on Friday due to parent-teacher conferences.

Congratulations to our 5th and 6th grade girls basketball teams on having a great basketball season!

PCHS student-athletes attended a leadership conference today, which was hosted by Tri-County Conference and led by Ted Wiese

Friday both of Mrs. Edens’s classes buddied up with Miss Himelick’s first grade class for a fun ghost story and a spooky ghost craft!

Fine Arts Festival - 6th Grade Band

PC Fine Arts Festival tonight - 5th grade Band in their first ever performance!

Check out theses amazing Math Fact Masters! They all studied our special math facts and were able to quickly tell me the answers. Way to go kiddos!

Mrs. Goddard and her VIP welcomed Puma staff & students to school this morning with a Happy You Are Here Theme, welcome messages, dancing, music, and a treat. Entry fee to school this morning was a smile! They hope we all have a Hoppy Day! ( See photo)

PC #535: Green Bus is delayed 20 minutes this morning.

PC #535: Green Bus is delayed 20 minutes this morning.

Dusty Miller from the State Bank of Cherry came to PCJH and spoke to Mrs. Miller's 7th Grade Math classes about banking, finance, and how to start and continue to manage money. Thanks for taking time out of your day to talk to our students about real life Math skills.

Homecoming was a huge success! Thanks to all of the amazing individuals who attended!

PCHS students had a blast during our Homecoming festivities.
Congrats to our Homecoming court!

We had a blast celebrating homecoming week! Best of luck tonight and we will see everyone at the dance tomorrow!

Check out these amazing math fact masters. They all practiced their math facts and were able to quickly tell me the answers to these facts. We were so proud, that we celebrated with a hallway Yee-haw. Well done, kiddos!