Spreading joy and kindness at PCES!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
Huge thank you to the Putnam County PTO for the Teacher's Lounge gifts- everything from treats & snacks to coffee and a Keurig! Thank you so much for your support of PC teachers.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
coffee from pto
PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Thank you to Sheriff Kevin Doyle for coming to the Jr. High to speak to our students about having good character, making good decisions, and using technology in a safe manner. Thank you to Mrs. Carboni, Mrs. Taylor, and Ms. Judd for organizing the assembly.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Sheriff Doyle
Busy night around PC #535! Girls 5th/6th Basketball at PCES and Volleyball at PCHS, complete with Jackson Delhotal rocking the National Anthem!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Thank you to our PC Rotary members for distributing dictionaries to every 3rd grade student today!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
Best way to start the day! Second grade did an amazing job on their field trip yesterday. They were polite and asked great questions. Mrs. Mott was so proud of them that the whole grade level celebrated with a hallway Yee-Haw!! Way to go second grade!
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
hallway Yee-Haw!
PC Rotarian, Adriane Shore, was this month’s guest reader for the 3rd grade class.
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
rotary reader
What a beautiful day for preschool’s first field trip to Boggio’s!
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
first field trip
first field trip
first field trip
Mrs. Bell’s class had a great time working on their community project.
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
Community project
Community project
Community project
Community project
Mrs. Carboni's students are doing a book club with Rescue Josh McGuire. They read the book, listen to the audio book, and discuss the book.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Book Club
PC #535: Please see the following link for the District's monthly update - https://5il.co/1ik8k
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PCJH is happy to welcome Mrs. Allison Delhotal as cook!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Check out these amazing Math Fact Masters! Mrs. Mott announced Math Fact Masters Monday and encouraged them to practice our special math facts all week, so they know their facts quickly. Today, Mrs. Mott quizzed these super students and then had a special medallion ceremony.
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
math fact masters
PCJH 's Friday Welcome this morning was by Mrs. Boudreau and her VIP. Their theme was, "We Are Family!" They welcomed students & staff with music, dancing, and treats. Way to bring smiles to PCJH on a Friday!
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Welcoming Students on a Friday
We are family with Mrs. Boudreau & her VIP
PCJH PE classes are playing Deck Tennis and enjoying the weather.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Deck tennis
Deck Tennis
VIPs had a competition to identify states and capitals.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Hired during 2021-2022, PC #535 is happy to welcome back Mr. John Ward as director of technology!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC #535: Due to mechanical issues, Green bus is 10 minutes delayed this morning.
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Hired during 2021-2022, PCPS is happy to welcome back Mrs. Heather Boggio as cook!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger