Stopped in Mrs. Goddard's ELA class as they were reading a short story and working on finding the author's perspective.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Mrs. Goddards ELA
Congratulations to the Lady Puma Softball team. They finished in 2nd place at the Lady Puma Classic this weekend. Big thank you to all the sponsors, parent volunteers, and workers that day. Thank you to Betsy Huls who won the 50/50 and donated it all back to the program.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
PCJH Softball Team
PC #535 Board of Education - Notice: The budget hearing and regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, will take place in the PCHS Media Center.
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
A hallway yeehaw is in order! These amazing math fact masters knew all three of our special math facts, and got wear the math fact medallions. Way to go Math Fact Masters!
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
math fact masters!
PC #535: Please see the following for the District monthly update and reminders -
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Mrs. Balestri’s sidekick “Dash” made a surprise visit to Mrs. Olson’s 4th grade class today! They’ve demonstrated great behavior and outstanding character all week!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
Every Friday at PCJH, students and staff welcome students as they arrive in the morning. This morning it was Mrs. Ibarra and her VIP with music, dancing, signs, and candy! Great way to start a Friday!
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Candy passed out by VIP
Mrs. Ibarra's VIP
Welcoming students on a Friday
COVID Testing Information: If a student is absent from school due to covid symptoms the student MUST have a test to return, or remain out at least 5 days. This test can be a home test, hospital test, or a test done within our district. If a home test is done results MUST be communicated with a school nurse by video/photo documentation of the swabbing process and results. When talking to the school nurse they will communicate how to provide home test results. If you have any questions regarding Covid symptoms, testing procedures, or any other health related issues please contact Mrs. Main for the primary/ high school or Mrs. Munson for elementary/ junior high school. Thank you for your cooperation with this process, Mrs. Munson & Mrs. Main
over 2 years ago, Katie Main
Students in Mr. Harris' STEM class building boats to see how much weight they can hold. Teamwork, analysis of current structures, and critical thinking are keys to improving their model each time.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
STEM Class
The PCJH Baseball & Softball games at Fieldcrest for tonight 8/29 have been cancelled. We will keep you updated on rescheduled dates. No baseball or softball practice tonight as well.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Congratulations to PCHS Special Olympics bowlers on their accomplishments last weekend at Region A! Hayden Dauck - 2nd place silver Blake Baker - 3rd place bronze Max Brester - 4th place ribbon Matthew Schennum - 4th place ribbon Alyssa Fluech - 5th place ribbon
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
special olympics 3
special olympics 4
Just a reminder the school spirit store closes Sunday at midnight. Here is the link:
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
What a great experience watching the Pumas compete in their first ever cross country meet. Veronika Mack finished in the top 10 in the girls' race. Riley Doehling finished 2nd while Dom Carboni finished in the top 10 in the boys' race. Great start for Coach Rodriguez and the Pumas.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Coach Rod and Cross country
I spy some 5th grade scientists at PCES!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
5th grade scientists
Check out these amazing Math Fact Masters! They knew both of our special math facts for the week.
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
math fact masters
PCJH Band practicing. There are 40 band members in 6th-8th Grade. The most members we have had since Ms. Klypchak has been here! Great testament to the PC schools in our support of an enriching education. Look forward to future performances!
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
PCJH Band Practice
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
It’s been a great first week back at PCES! 🖤💛
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
character counts assembly
media center
character counts assembly
character counts assembly
Mrs. Miller's class learned how to work best in a group today in math class. Students had to work together and highlight numbers in the order 1-100. Each student had to take their own turn highlighting the next number. Group members could talk to others but not point or highlight the other numbers for them. Students competed against other groups to see who could highlight the most numbers. Afterwards, we had a group discussion about what makes a good group member and how to work together best.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Mrs. Millers Class
Math group work
New look for the PCJH Media Center with new book shelves. Mrs. Thompson does a great job encouraging and providing good books for all our students to read!
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson