Check out these super smart Math Fact Masters! We even celebrated with a hallway yeehaw!

Polly decided she wants to visit Mrs. Eden’s classroom so she can learn good manners from the students in her classroom!

I started my Friday morning with a walk down the hallways and walked by these guys reading 3 times and they were so engrossed in their books, they didn't know I was there! Great job PCJH readers!

Today is International Dot Day! PCES students along with millions of other students in 192 countries around the world participated in activities to promote creativity, courage and collaboration.

Oobleck…Is it a solid or a liquid? Our 5th grade scientists will know the answer to this trick question after they complete this fun science experiment today!

PCPS is happy to welcome Mrs. Rebecca Wiesbrock as a paraprofessional this year!

Congratulations to the following PCJH students who were chosen as Students of the Month for August for their character and hard work. Congratulations to 6th Grader MaKenna, 7th Grader Riley, & 8th Grader Shane.

Instead of reading how early civilizations traded with each other despite language differences, Mr. Heuser's class re created trading centers with different groups that could not verbally communicate with each other.

Thursday’s 7th & 8th Grade Basketball Game at Princeton Logan has been changed to a 4:30 start for 7th Grade by Logan.
Princeton Logan Jr High : 302 W Central Ave Princeton 61356

Mrs. Erickson reviewing with her students about main idea with a Jenga game. Each student had to answer a question labeled with one of the colors of the blocks, then they had to remove a block of that color.

PC #535: Hired during the 2021-2022 school year, PCPS and PCES is happy to welcome back Ms. Natalie Lindig as music teacher!

Mrs. Miller's VIP welcomed students & staff to PCJH this morning with music and positive messages with a team theme to remind them to have great day! Great example of being team players at PCJH!

Mrs. Simpson’s 5th grade students took a quick brain break today in the Media Center to play a friendly game of Pictionary.

PCES is happy to welcome new 4th-grade teacher Mrs. Amy Olson!

Check out theses amazing math fact masters! They knew all of our special math facts. We had fun celebrating with a hallway Yee-haw!

PCJH is happy to welcome Mrs. Lisa Goddard this year!
(PC #535 will be sharing profiles of its new teachers and staff for the next few weeks - check back for more!)

Reminder that PCJH Lifetouch Picture Day is tomorrow.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

Congratulations and thank you to these 8th grade student-athletes for their commitment to PCJH Softball & Baseball.

When your cheerleaders spread school spirit for the Fall Sports teams, lockers look good!