Congratulations to our Young Author Award recipients!

Opportunity for current 8th Graders to get started on service hours for High School:
The Hennepin Baseball & Softball Association is looking for volunteers to work in the concession stand.
If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Goetz at PCHS- goetzj@pcschools535.org

Student of the Month Luncheon at PCHS. Congrats to all of the Students of the Month for the school year 2021-2022. These students uphold and exhibit the values of Putnam County High School.

Congratulations to PCHS Area Career Center Students of the year:
Chris Uzella for Welding
Clayton Wellenreiter for Fire Science

The PCJH Band & Chorus performed at the Peoria County Courthouse under the direction of Ms. Klypchak. Thank you to the PC Music Boosters for your support to allow our students to perform.

Senior parade through PCPS. Congratulations to our Senior Class of 2022!!

PC #535: Dark Blue is being transferred at PCJH to White and Yellow buses for drop off.

PC #535: Dark Blue bus is currently delayed 25 minutes.

PC #535: Please see the following for the weekly District update - https://5il.co/1a38d

Piñata fun in Ms. Kunkel’s PM class. Today we learned about the letter Mm for Mexico Day.

Shoutout to these amazing math fact masters. They get to wear math fact medallions for knowing all 9 of our special math facts!

Thank you to the PC PTO, and the PCEF for their support of our PCJH Civil War Amazing Race activities this week. The 3 day Civil War unit culminating event had students completing tasks that required team work, applying knowledge of the Civil War, and problem solving skills.

PCES students participate in the 5th-grade Wax Museum!

Way to go to this year’s Young Author winners. We even got to do a special hallway Yee Haw this morning.

There will not be an Athletic Booster Club meeting tonight. The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 7th, 6pm at PCHS.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

PCHS Senior Students and Families! At the following link you will find the information you need for PCHS Graduation 2022. https://bit.ly/PCHSGrad2022

PCJH dance was enjoyed by all the students. Thank you to the PTO for their support and providing the DJ and photo booth.

Preschool had a great time at the Children’s Discovery Museum today playing and interacting with all of the great activities!

PC #535: Please see the following for the District weekly update - https://5il.co/19nuu