Shoutout to these EIGHT amazing math fact masters. They get to wear math fact medallions for knowing all 8 of our special math facts!

PC #535: Due to a staff shortage, there is no morning Pink bus today. We apologize for this inconvenience.

PC #535: Please see the following for the weekly District update - https://5il.co/19a52

PC Music & Band teachers, Ms. Lindig and Ms. Klypchak, performed an instrument demonstration for 4th and 5th grade students today to pique their interest in becoming band students next year. The brass family of instruments were a fan favorite!

The PC PTO rewarded Mr. Masini’s class with a pizza party for selling the most butter braids!

Shoutout to these three amazing math fact masters. They get to wear the special math fact medallions for knowing all 7 of our special math facts!

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).

Polly, our magical peacock asked Mrs. Sobkowiak’s class if they could help her figure how many more days of school we have. The whole class came to the office and shared 25 more days of school over the announcements. Nice work kiddos!

Please see the letter for information regarding PCJH 8th Grade Graduation. Friday May, 20th.

PC #535 is currently updating its Local Wellness Plan. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please review the draft plan and contact Dr. Theisinger by May 6th, 2022 - https://5il.co/18r3t

Having a great time at the ties and tiaras dance. Thank you to our awesome PTO for organizing this special night!

PC #535: There is no District update this week.
Reminder that Spring Break is all of next week and the following Monday. School resumes on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022.
Have a fantastic break!

Shoutout to these three amazing math fact masters. They get to wear the special math fact medallions for knowing all 6 of our special math facts!

It doesn’t feel like it outside, but spring is definitely in the air in the elementary building. Check out some of our fantastic spring artwork!

There is an Athletic Booster Club meeting tonight at PCHS starting at 6pm. All are welcome to attend.

Mrs. Bell’s class enjoyed listening to Mrs.Zavada’s class read their stories.

Mrs. Bell’s class enjoyed listening to Mrs.Zavada’s class read their stories.

Mrs. Bell’s class enjoyed listening to Mrs. Zavada’s class read their stories!

Personal delivery from Miss Serafini's kindergarten class today with their scotcharoos!

Korbin B. and Wyatt R. helped Mrs. Balestri lead the morning announcements at PCES today!