PCJH Athletic Schedule for Tuesday 1/4
5&6 Grade Boys Basketball bus to Midland will leave PCES 4:00 for both teams.
7&8 Girls Volleyball Home Match vs Parkside 4:30 start

Sorry for the late notice, but the 7th&8th Grade Volleyball game for tonight has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.

Just a reminder that the 5/6 Boys basketball game on Tuesday 1/4 is at 5:30 at Midland Middle School. Bue leaves PCES 4:00

Happy New Year!

PCHS Panther Family Memo:
Have a Great break and Holiday!

Wishing all PC #535 students and families a happy holidays! Have a wonderful break and we will see students back on Thursday, January 6th, 2022!

PC #535: Please see the following for the District weekly update - https://5il.co/13i4g
From all of us at PC #535, have a happy holidays!

The link to the live stream for the December 21st, 2021, regular Board of Education meeting is as follows: https://zoom.us/j/98911015685?pwd=WUg2bzdvVEcybmhQUGZrZE5teVNLZz09
(Meeting will begin at 6:30 PM)

PC #535: A friendly reminder that PCPS, PCES, & PCJH dismiss at 2:00 PM today (12/21/2021) and tomorrow (12/22/2021). PCHS dismisses according to their final exam schedule. (Afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM on both days.)

Second grade is preparing for their egg drop tomorrow. Mrs. Bush’s class was making parachutes for their eggs.

The Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, will be in virtual format only. Please use the following link to view the meeting beginning at 6:30 PM - https://zoom.us/j/98911015685?pwd=WUg2bzdvVEcybmhQUGZrZE5teVNLZz09

Pantera and Cheer pumping up the crowd for the Boys Varsity Basketball 🏀 Game tonight!

PC #535: There is no District update this week; an update will be released on Wednesday prior to winter break. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Sobkowiak’s class is listening to Christmas music and are decorating Gingerbread houses.

Ms. Serafini’s class enjoyed making a candy cane craft while singing Christmas Carols.

PC #535: Please see the District message regarding the TikTok trend - https://5il.co/13asf

Mrs. Schoon's 4th period Intro to AG Mechanics is working on their final. Students learn what tools to use, what each part does and how to take apart and put back together an engine.

PC #535: Phones are working in all buildings - thanks for your patience!

PC #535: Phone service is currently down or intermittent in some District schools. Please contact the building secretary or principal via email if you cannot reach them by phone.

PCJH Cheerleaders performed their Holiday Dance! Excellent job! Click the link to view their dance.