PC #535: Red bus is running 10-15 minutes behind due to a downed tree blocking the road.
about 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM.
about 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Freshman Girls Basketball tonight at PCHS. At the half, 10 PCHS, 8 Seneca. Go Lady Panthers.
about 3 years ago, Tanya Simons
Thank you PC PTO members for spending your day at PCES and making ornaments with all of our students!
about 3 years ago, Courtney Balestri
ornament painting
ornament painting
ornament painting
PC #535: Please see the following for an update on weekly screening testing with MCC - https://5il.co/133m9
about 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
IVCC Professor Matthew Johll came and spoke to our 8th Graders about how Science is used to solve crimes for our CSI unit.
about 3 years ago, Michael Olson
IVCC  Proffesor Matthew Johll talking to our 8th Graders
PCHS Band and Chorus played and sang well tonight at the PCHS Winter Concert. Thank you Miss. Hulstrom, PCHS Band and Chorus for a lovely evening.
about 3 years ago, Tanya Simons
Beware of Krampus
Full Band
Take a Bow
Super Proud of our SO Unified Bowling Teams ….. a 🥇 Gold team and a 🥉 Bronze team!!! PC Proud 💛🖤
about 3 years ago, Tanya Simons
Come on down to the Primary School to see Santa and get a special gift bag. We are here until 11:00. Registration is not necessary.
about 3 years ago, Moriah Mott
PCHS Families: Panther Family Memo Dec 10th, 2021 edition is at the following link: https://bit.ly/PantherFamilyMemo12-10
about 3 years ago, Tanya Simons
PC #535: Please see the following for the weekly District update - https://5il.co/130i4
about 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
ITP spent time in Art this week painting ornaments with Mr. Curry’s Art Class. The integration of General Education Students and the Transition students is important for growth of both groups of students.
about 3 years ago, Tanya Simons
ITP and Art Class
ITP and Art Class
ITP and Art Class
ITP and Art Class
PCHS: Mrs. Schoon's Horticulture Class was making Christmas Center Pieces today. The finished product was amazing! Many of the Center Pieces are going home to Moms and Grandmas tonight.
about 3 years ago, Tanya Simons
Mrs. Schoon's Class making Christmas Centerpieces
Miss Himelick’s class had a great time building Christmas Trees out of Marshmallows.
about 3 years ago, Moriah Mott
From PC PTO: Donuts with Santa is now a drive-thru event - please see the following link for details - https://5il.co/12vei Contact PTO at pcpto535@gmail.com with any questions
about 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PCHS Students! Your Spirit Days start on Monday! Check out the Spirit days below. Have fun!!
about 3 years ago, Tanya Simons
Student Spirit Days
Students in Mrs. Dudek's 8th Grade Science Class are perfoming lab test in their CSI unit using their reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving skills.
over 3 years ago, Michael Olson
Conducting a test of chemical properties in CSI.
Awesome performance by the nearly 100 cheerleaders on Lil' Cheer Night!
over 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Congrats and good luck to Alyssa F and Keagen F from PCHS as they compete at the Special Olympics State Bowling Competition tomorrow!
over 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Making some Grinch slime with Mrs. Balestri at PCES!
over 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger