Enjoy the lone weekend. PCJH Weekly Information Letter:

PC #535: Please see the following for a District update - https://5il.co/107xb

PCHS: Please see the attached notice regarding the Sadie Hawkins Dance - https://5il.co/107k8

PC #535: A friendly reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 8th for the County Institute Day and on Monday, October 11th for Columbus Day.

Due to the weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, the fieldtrip to Starved Rock has been cancelled for tomorrow 10/7 and will be recheduled for Tuesday, Ocotber 19th. Tomorrow will be a regular day with an activity in the afternoon.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM.

PC Sports Booster Club will be having its monthly meeting tonight at PCHS starting at 6pm. The Booster Club is actively seeking new members. Please join us tonight at 6pm. Meetings typically last about 30 mins.
Any questions, please email Mr. Chris Newsome, AD. newsomec@pcschools535.org

PC #535: Lunch menus for Tuesday and Wednesday will be switched this week due to delivery issues.

Please see the link for the weekly PCJH Information Letter:

Panther Family Memo October 1, 2021 at the following link. Everyone have a great weekend! https://bit.ly/PantherFamilyMemo10-1

PCHS Seniors: Please use the link below to access information regarding FASFA.

Please see the information on a great way to support the PTO and their mission of supporting all PC students:

PCHS Families: Panther Family Memo September 26th, 2021 Edition at the following link https://bit.ly/PantherFamilyMemo9-26

PC #535: Please see attached for the District weekly update, which includes new information regarding COVID response - https://5il.co/zk51

The Youth Service Bureau of IV (YSB) is looking for foster homes - see the following flyer for more info: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_XZkpwG48LPfaNxweSmZDbY-3C6TSG8C/view?usp=sharing

The 8th Grade Girls Basketball game for tonight 9/23 has been cancelled due to Woodland not having enough players available for the 8th Grade game. The 7th Grade game is stillscheduled for 4:30.

Just a reminder that tonight's 7th &8th Grade girls basketball game starts at 4:30. Admission is $2.00 for K-5 & Seniors and $3.00 for adults. PCJH students are admitted free.

PC #535: Power is now fully restored at PCPS.

PC #535: Power is going to be temporarily disabled to the Primary building while an outside wire is serviced. All operations will safely continue as normal at this time. Please contact Mrs. Mott at mottm@pcschools535.org or the high school at ext. 4 if there is a need in the next 30 minutes.