PC #535: Due to a regional outtage, the Primary building has lost one-third power to the building causing some internal outtages. However, all operations are able to continue safely at this time.

Topic: Board of Education Meeting - September 21st, 2021
Time: Sep 21, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 930 1285 0398
Passcode: S7kgia

PCHS Seniors and Families: Please see the FASFA Presentation follow up letter from Mr. Ellena at the link below:

Please see the link for PCJH Information:
(Please visit the PC website Live Feed if you can not open this document)

PCHS Families: For this weeks Panther Family Memo, please see the following link: https://bit.ly/PantherFamilyMemo9-17

PC #535: Please see the following for the District's weekly update - https://5il.co/z7q4 (Visit the PC website live feed if the link does not open on your cell phone.)

The PM PreK bus is running approximately 30 minutes late.

The PM PreK bus is running approximately 30 minutes late.

Parents, if you would like your student to have breakfast at school, please make sure they arrive by 7:50 AM. Classes begin at 8:00 AM. We would like to have students fed by 8:00 AM so they are ready to learn.
Mrs. Mott

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM.

PCJH Weekly Letter:
(If you can not open the document, please view in the Live Feed on the PC Website)

PC #535: Orange Bus is behind schedule by 15 minutes, which is going to delay transfers to Blue, Black, and Pink Buses.

PC #535: Please see the following for the weekly District update - https://5il.co/yrjb

Please see the link for information for the remaining games for PCJH Baseball:

Junior High and High School Families: Check the Link for PTO News

PC #535: There is an overturned semi on McNabb Blacktop blocking all traffic. White, Dark Blue, and Red routes will be delayed due to detours.

PCHS Family the following letter gives information regarding the PSAT/NMSQT on Wednesday October 13th.

Reminder PCJH Picture Day is Thursday, September 9th starting at 7:45.
Here is the online order information:

At this time, PCHS will be postponing the Sadie Hawkins dance with the hopes of a more normal dance experience scheduled at a later date.

PCHS Senior Families, please see the letter with FAFSA information and requirements at the following link: https://bit.ly/PCHSFAFSAInfo