Parents: When waiting for parent pick up, please do not block the lane to the high school or the 4-way stop located at Elm and Silverspoon. The gates for parent pick up open at 3:05. Please do not arrive any earlier than 3:05 to pick up your children. Parents can pick up anytime between 3:05 and 3:20.

Please see the link for information and updates for PCJH:
(Visit the PC website live feed if the link does not open on your cell phone.)

PCHS: Panther Family Memo at the following Link: https://bit.ly/PantherFamilyMemo9-3-21
Enjoy the 3-day weekend!

PC #535: Please see the following for the District weekly update - https://5il.co/yfvt (Visit the PC website live feed if the link does not open on your cell phone.)

PC #535: White bus is reporting a 10 minute delay at this time.

Mrs. Mott's September Newsletter.

PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the first Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM.

PC #535: We are aware of the fire at Marquis Energy and have been in contact with PC emergency personnel. At this time, no schools are in any sort of danger. We will continue to maintain contact with our local response personnel and take any necessary precautions to ensure the safety of all students and staff.

Please see the link for PCJH Update:
( If you can not open the link, please see the letter on the Live Feed on the PC Website)

PCHS Families: Please see the Panther Family Memo for this week!

PC #535: Please see the following for this week's District update - https://5il.co/y19v (Visit the PC website livefeed if the link does not work on your cell phone.)

PC #535: Orange bus is delayed by 20 minutes. Orange makes transfers to Pink, Blue, and Black, so they will be delayed as well.

Please see the link for information on student absences:

PC #535: Green and Brown routes are now expected to be on time.

PC #535: Due to delays elsewhere, Green and Brown routes are 15 minutes delayed this afternoon.

PC Boys Golf home match today has been canceled due to the heat. There will not be any outdoor practice today for any sport.
We are still planning to play volleyball at home vs. Mendota. We will continue to monitor the temperature inside of our gymnasium.

The Softball and Baseball games for tonight- Tuesday, August 24th have been cancelled. There will be no softball or baseball practice either. Thank you.

PC #535: Green and Brown buses are still running behind but are in route to stops.

PC #535: Green and Brown routes are 20 minutes behind this afternoon due to delays with other regional routes.

PC #535: Green and Brown routes are 20 minutes behind this afternoon due to delays with other regional routes.