Please see the followibng link for PCJH registration information:

PC #535: Friendly reminder to begin your child's registration online and complete the process in person this Thursday (July 29th, 2021) between 8 AM and 1 PM or 2 PM and 7 PM at PCHS. Please visit the following site for more info - https://www.pcschools535.org/page/online-registration-2021-2022

Please see the link for a reminder of PCJH Softball & Baseball concussion baseline testing:

PC #535: The PC Book Bus will be around the County again this afternoon! All students in PreK through 5th-grade are encouraged to visit the bus with an adult for book lending, prizes, story time, and reading awards. Today's bus schedule is as follows: Granville Hopkins Park - 3:00 PM Hennepin WD Boyle Park - 3:45 PM McNabb Park - 4:30 PM Magnolia Park - 5:15 PM

Quick reminder for any HS student-athlete needing the imPACT Concussion Testing
Date(s) & Time(s)
7/27/21 at 10am and 7/30/21 at 2:30pm
Please note that anyone showing up for the test late will not be allowed into the testing session and will need to make it up at a later date prior to any athletic participation. Tests will be given in the HS computer lab.
Masks are required for all participants.
Any questions, please email AD Chris Newsome via email at newsomec@pcschools535.org

PC #535: Please see the following for a District update - https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1406695/Community_Letter_-_July_21_2021.pdf
(If the file does not load on a phone, please visit the PC website livefeed.)

PC #535: The PC Book Bus will be around the County again this afternoon! All students in PreK through 5th-grade are encouraged to visit the bus with an adult for book lending, prizes, story time, and reading awards. Today's bus schedule is as follows: Granville Hopkins Park - 3:00 PM Hennepin WD Boyle Park - 3:45 PM McNabb Park - 4:30 PM Magnolia Park - 5:15 PM

PC #535: Please review and complete the following survey by 12:00 PM on Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 - https://forms.gle/h7W5wiAHMzTw6MrMA (Visit the PC website livefeed if this link does not open on a cell phone.)

Reminder and Information for PCJH Softball & Baseball Tryouts:

PC #535: The PC Book Bus will be around the county this afternoon! All students in PreK through 5th-grade are encouraged to visit the bus with an adult for book lending, prizes, story time, and reading awards. Today's bus schedule is as follows: Granville Hopkins Park - 3:00 PM, Hennepin WD Boyle Park - 3:45 PM, McNabb Park - 4:30 PM, Magnolia Park - 5:15 PM

2021 Youth Softball Camp
Please click on the link below for camp information and to register.

PC #535: See the following letter regarding updates by CDC and IDPH - https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1382733/Community_Letter_-_July_9_2021.pdf (Please visit the PC website Livefeed if this link does not open on your phone.)

PC #535: Registration for 2021-2022 is now open! Please visit the PC website or the following link for directions - https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1372486/Registration_Notice_2021-2022.pdf

PC #535: Please see the following letter regarding planning for 2021-2022 - https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1372694/Community_Letter_-_July_6_2021.pdf

PC #535: The PC Book Bus will be around the County again this afternoon! All students in PreK through 5th-grade are encouraged to visit the bus with an adult for book lending, prizes, story time, and reading awards. Today's bus schedule is as follows: Granville Hopkins Park - 3:00 PM Hennepin WD Boyle Park - 3:45 PM McNabb Park - 4:30 PM Magnolia Park - 5:15 PM

PC #535: Sally Sue's 5K Run/Walk is scheduled for Saturday, August 14th, 2021. Proceeds from the event support local education and athletics, including PC schools. Please visit the following link for more info: https://runsignup.com/Race/IL/Magnolia/SallySues5k

PC #535: Please see the following for an introductory letter from Dr. Theisinger - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OHAwdM59uNpF1wwHDGITQBoGODg85tNz/view?usp=sharing

PCHS will be having two imPACT concussion testing sessions later this month for anyone interested in participating in athletics throughout this upcoming '21 - '22 school year. Both sessions will be at PCHS in the computer lab. This is done every two years once a student-athlete reaches high school.
Who needs to get tested?
-All incoming freshman athletes
-Anyone who participated at PCHS last year but was not required to test because they were in year two of a test taken during the year prior.
-Any non-freshman who plans to participate in athletics for the first time.
Testing Date(s) & Time(s)
7/27/21 at 10am
7/30/21 at 2:30pm
Please note that anyone showing up for the test late will not be allowed into the testing session and will need to make it up at a later date prior to any athletic participation.
All participants should be masked. Testing takes approx. 45 mins.
If there are any questions or if you are unsure if your student-athlete needs to get tested, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Chris Newsome, PCHS Assistant Principal / Athletic Director via email newsomec@pcschools535.org.
Have a great summer!

PC #535: The PC Book Bus will be starting up again this afternoon and tour the county on a weekly basis for the rest of the summer! All students in PreK through 5th-grade are encouraged to visit the bus with an adult for book lending, prizes, story time, and reading awards. Today's bus schedule is as follows:
Granville Hopkins Park - 3:00 PM
Hennepin WD Boyle Park - 3:45 PM
McNabb Park - 4:30 PM
Magnolia Park - 5:15 PM

PCJH Softball & Baseball Baseline Concussion Testing for all student-athletes: