Please mark your calendars for PCJH's Open House and Supply Drop Off for all incoming 6th-8th Graders. See information below. More details coming when we get closer:
over 3 years ago, Mike Olson
PC #535: Please join us on Sunday, July 4th, 2021, for the Annual Movin' for Music 5k walk/run and pancake breakfast. Registration begins at 6:30am, race at 8am, breakfast from 9am to 11am. All events are held at the Hennepin pool. See the following for more info:
over 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC #535: Health requirements for the 2021-2022 school year are included in the following link - Please contact Mrs. Main (school nurse) at with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC 535: The local health department will be holding a Pfizer vaccination clinic @ Putnam County HS on June 24th from 4:00-6:00 for anyone 12 or older. Contact the health department with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Carl Carlson
over 3 years ago, Carl Carlson
PCHS will be presenting Little Women the musical June 4th and 5th. All tickets will be pre sold by calling PCHS at 815-882-2800 opt. 4, orders due by noon on Friday, June 4th. Masks are required. Please see attached for show information:
almost 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC 535: All buses have departed the JH and are enroute.
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PC 535: Six buses will be departing the JH at 9:15. Each route should only take about 30 minutes to complete since there will be direct stops and no transfers. The bus company will contact the JH to confirm everyone was dropped off safely. Thank you to everyone's effort responding to this unexpected situation.
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PC 535: Due to a water main break at PCJH, all JH students will be dismissed at 9:15 this morning. We will be bussing students home. Any students that are normally parent pick up can be picked up at 9:15. Students are calling home to verify parent pick up otherwise they will be bussed home. More details to follow.
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PC 535: Black bus is running at least 15 minutes late this morning.
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
Any incoming 9th graders interested in cheerleading next year, there will be a cheer try out clinic on June 1st & 2nd 6:30pm - 8:30pm at PC Primary School. Cheer tryouts will take place on Thursday, June 3rd 6:30pm-8:30pm at PC Primary School. Any questions, please contact Coach Eustice at
almost 4 years ago, Chris Newsome
PC 535: 6 PC Staff Receive Excellence in Education Link:
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
Class of 2021: Due to uncertainty of weather, graduation will take place in RM Germano Gymnasium on Sunday. See the following letter for more details -
almost 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Please see the link for important information regarding 8th Grade Graduation that is now being held inside at Putnam County High School.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Olson
PC Youth Basketball Camp Information ('21-'22: 3rd - 9th graders, Boys & Girls)
almost 4 years ago, Chris Newsome
almost 4 years ago, Carl Carlson
PCHS: Please see the following letter for end of year events and final exam info -
almost 4 years ago, Clayton Theisinger