PC 535: Survey Link Corrected (Hopefully) https://forms.gle/7jjz8hQyQLXaqanh7

PC 535: Update & Survey Response Urgently Requsted https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MvJKJ5Jeevmt6AIW7m2QMfVlMoNpZ_0BlvYWHUF7VO0/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: The Board of Education is continuing discussions and finalizing decisions regarding graduation and prom. An announcement regarding both events will be released early next week. Thank you for your patience!

PCHS Class of 2021: See the following letter for an update on the SAT - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JFNu-3gjTuY_k_0O0rfcxF9BxmTd7jcC/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: District Update link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cbPv5SaUqxfpPRIhG65lyLjHMQZ81uwoxJwSD_ORjbM/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: Having trouble with the last link-go https://www.pcschools535.org/. Click on Menu and under External Links is the Online Registration link.

PC 535: Online Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year is now available at https://www.pcschools535.org/online-registration--121.

PCHS Classes of 2021 & 2022: Please see the following letter for info regarding IVCC dual credit courses - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dgxZg7eHB9OpOyItQcZ2RCI6T9eBRAbx/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: The link has been fixed, thank you for your patience and we appreciate your response! Please use the following - https://forms.gle/PiT46D6nBK2mn3WY6

PC 535: There is an issue with accessing the survey link. I will work to resolve and send out a corrected link. Sorry for the inconvenience.

PC 535: Family Survey - Responses are Confidential but helpful for future planning purposes: Here is the link: https://forms.gle/PiT46D6nBK2mn3WY6

PC 535: District Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fdGIBDe_pYbk1QecNG31wo50OrpD27a2aUKyoADXIOE/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: See the following letter for updates regarding driver education and behind-the-wheel instruction - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eE3Hkit-MpJjsf5zjJXLvxBVtnp2ZZTw/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: Today marked the last official day of school for the year. I know there is so much uncertainty for next year. We will continue to plan and inform as we process this situation. With that, I urge everyone to enjoy the summer and unwind!! Take care everyone!!

Today is the Putnam County Primary School’s reverse parade! Please join us with your students from 9 AM to noon! Drive thru for report cards purchased yearbooks, awards and to say goodbye!

PCES Parent drive-thru TODAY! please return your child’s Chromebook, charger, and any other materials that belong to the school.
3rd grade 9-10
4th grade 10-11
5th grade 11-12
Last Chance 12-12:30

PCJH Reminder: Tomorrow, Thursday May 21st is PCJH Supply drop off- Chromebook, Charger, & Case. All textbooks, library books, and any other school owned materials. Report Cards will be distributed as well. 9:00-10:00-6th Grade, 10:00-11:00-7th Grade, 11:00-12:00-8th Grade, & 12:00-1:00- Last Chance Drop Off. Thank You

PCHS: The following letter provides updates for students in Driver Education or needing to finish behind-the-wheel hours - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQ_fWHrzFhzh-JrIr_pWOykKkrAwbqFw/view?usp=sharing

PCHS: Reminder regarding material pickup and drop off tomorrow (Thursday, May 21), see the linked letter for details - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vEwb2v0TKuC1SSM2ZDKUVHfZYsx0K69y/view?usp=sharing

Reminder: PCES parent drive-thru tomorrow! Please return your child’s Chromebook, charger, and any other materials that belong to the school. We will then give you your child’s report card and other end of the year items.
3rd grade 9-10
4th grade 10-11
5th grade 11-12
Last chance 12-12:30