PCHS: See the following letter for updates on a July graduation and prom - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tziqhzyvaVPS2s3Hppt18zYbN3Pq3PsZ/view?usp=sharing

Please see the following letter for Grading Changes:

PCHS: See the following letter for changes pertaining to final semester grades for Spring 2020 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NRUnzPsRQN6SaMBXGL8Zj0zpd9wkmWNb/view?usp=sharing

PCHS: Reminder that pick-up and drop-off of materials is scheduled for Thursday, see the following for more details -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vEwb2v0TKuC1SSM2ZDKUVHfZYsx0K69y/view?usp=sharing

PCHS: The 54th Annual Commencement Ceremony celebrating the Class of 2020 in virtual format can be found here - https://youtu.be/yDbcCdMgq4g

Lil' Food Pantry & PC Food Pantry Info Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14p7WecdaRa5I0UX8WJy5LQuZR5SM2urD/view?usp=sharing

PCHS: Our 54th Annual Commencement Ceremony will be broadcast on Facebook Live on May 17 at 1:00 PM, join us at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/101367491588011/live/
Also, celebrate the Class of 2020 on Twitter using the hashtag #PutnamCounty2020

PC 535: Reminder today is the last day the PC SUV will be coming to pick up school work for JH & HS students. Take care everyone!

Class of 2020: Please read through the following for updates and reminders regarding graduation on Sunday - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DEpMRsQ9QRFQIsH6N3LCGGT_NmWFnV4D/view?usp=sharing

Seniors: Reminder that you can redo assignments or complete missing assignments until Friday morning (May 15) to improve grades and/or remove "incompletes" on your report card. Please contact your individual teacher(s) if you plan to continue with remote learning this week.

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fmh9bXTQDryG7fpKgyMP2CQyH-hgIGQtLX1x9BQT8AY/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: Details for pick-up and drop-off of materials is included in the following letter - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vEwb2v0TKuC1SSM2ZDKUVHfZYsx0K69y/view?usp=sharing

PCHS Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors: The final date for eLearning is May 20. Material pick-up and drop-off is scheduled for May 21. Further details with procedures will be shared later this week. (Seniors should refer to the previous notice for their procedures.)

Class of 2020: Final details for seniors' eLearning and graduation is included in the following letter - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QSMj-8Yu47o4m8UB-XiL_AHveS11Om9e/view?usp=sharing

Class of 2020: See the following link for a celebration opportunity! - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UDZlVmI8fKsnFcMLiP2GlmUSvXxDLOHZ/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: Corrected link PTO https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uWCv0PNvu1U7RDdDDhgAx5RcUWTyhflp7884dXc2X_c/edit?usp=sharing

Good morning! Today is PCPS Packet Drive Thru. 9-1:00 and 5-6:00. Bring library books, yearbook money and lunch money for any balance in your child’s account too. See you soon!

Reminder today is PCJH supply pick up. Pull up to the sidewalk and a staff member will get your child's belongings. 9:00-10:00- 6th Grade. 10:00-11:00-7th Grade, and 11:00-12:00-8th Grade. Last Chance pick up is 12:00-12:30. Thank you

PCHS: The network is up and running, so all students should have access on their Chromebooks. Please contact Dr. Theisinger via email if you continue to have issues. Thank you for your patience!

PCHS: Chromebooks are down again due to another outage. Technician states they will be back within the hour. We will NOT be suspending eLearning today. Thanks for your patience! (Attendance will be left open until this evening.)