Reminder PCJH student supplies pick is Thursday, April 30th 6th Grade-9:00-10:00, 7th Grade-10:00-11:00, 8th Grade 11:00-12:00, and Last Chance Pick up 12:00-12:30

PCHS: We continue to experience sporadic issues in student Chromebook access due to our Internet outage yesterday. The network should be a solid connection within the next hour. Thank you for your patience!

PCHS: Due to continued Internet outages, all eLearning is suspended for the day. Further directions will be provided to students via email by tomorrow morning.

PCHS: Due to continued Internet outages, all eLearning is suspended for the day. Further directions will be provided to students via email by tomorrow morning.

Reminder: Elementary School parent drive-thru TODAY!
3rd grade - 9-10
4th grade - 10-11
5th grade - 11-12
Last chance pick-up - 12-12:30.

Please see the following letter for end of year dates for PCJH. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h46AW6A3d_Fe79vwe6rx0gglfTdCKZPoPvqWLgbYpSo/edit

Reminder: Elementary School Parent Drive-Thru to collect the remainder of your child’s belongings will be on Monday.
3rd Grade: 9-10
4th Grade: 10-11
5th Grade: 11-12
Last Chance Pick-up: 12:00-12:30
Please refer to the email that was sent for safety guidelines.

PC 535: Be in the lookout for the PC SUV - they are delivering work packets to HS & JH students today.

PCHS: Please see the following link for end of the year updates - https://drive.google.com/file/d/12GnldQnAR27Zd8TZJMb4411Nw81qFisY/view?usp=sharing

PCHS Students & Parents: All 2020 yearbook orders are due by Friday, May 29. Visit www.jostensyearbook.com and search Putnam County High School, Illinois to place your order.

PCHS: Please see the following link for info on IVCC Summer courses - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W5Dx3RXWYdXYnp-Jpae70h_RvNFXEJZd/view?usp=sharing

Elementary School Parent Drive Thru’s will be held on Monday, Apr. 27 and Thursday, May 21. Times will be the same as before. 3rd grade: 9-10
4th grade: 10-11
5th grade: 11-12
Last chance pick up: 12-12:30
Please see the email that was sent this morning for more details.

Parents of Class of 2020: See the following letter for info on end of year celebrations - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SV5DHojAPvaKwC5D_dS7PwvYW44bJvFp/view?usp=sharing

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MC5eCvSLcUBXFEseTMhgQ0dAJB9GY3Sl6plL6-xi-Bs/edit?usp=sharing

PC 535: Reminder to those that signed up for meals, those are available today for pickup between 9:30-10:30 at the HS, JH, or Elementary. Also, HS & JH students that receive weekly packets, those are being delivered this morning so be on the lookout for the PC SUV. Take care all!

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19a2xGpIdrI-c3ljSlZXkP_rDwJjYWQmx_75pM6wDuV4/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS: Reminder that eLearning will resume tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14, 2020!

PC 535: Happy Monday - just a quick reminder that the school district will be serving meals today between 9:30-10:30 for those that have signed up - they can be picked up @ the HS, JH, or Elementary. Take care everyone!!

PC 535: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SE_u1V9tY2k64B44pQAPzVkBw8l4XCP-on_fcxHYtxw/edit?usp=sharing

PCHS Families: See the following letter regarding guidance and supports during our closure - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KvPly9gRmPUP_x7fLO5R-SVXFZkJR8Qf/view?usp=sharing