PCJH is happy to welcome Ms. Elyssa Glenn as science teacher this year!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Ms. Judd was having students share their All About me presentations and they invited me to watch them! Great learning more about our students.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
About me
Hired during 2021-2022, PCPS is happy to welcome back Ms. Hayleigh Olson as paraprofessional!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Miss Delvallee’s class had fun using a flashlight to match Willie the Gnome’s shadow.
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
flashlight fun
flashlight fun
flashlight fun
flashlight fun
Ms. Klypchak's 6th Grade Music Exploratory learning about rhythm with their Bucket Band.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Bucket Band
These Art students in Mr. Curry's class had their artwork displayed in our hallway. Great Job Nora, Lydia, Zander, and Alicia.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Mr. Curry's Art Class
Mrs. LeQuia’s Culinary Arts class did an amazing job decorating cakes. We enjoyed seeing their creative ideas on display!
over 2 years ago, Dustin Schrank
PCHS is happy to welcome Mrs. Amanda Banik as agriculture teacher this year!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Ms. Herrmann and her VIP welcomed PCJH students & staff to school this morning with a reminder to " Don't be Sour, be Sweet!" They handed out positive message slips, Sour Patch candy, and even had a little dancing! Great way to start a Friday.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Dancing on Friday
Handing out positive messages and candy
Ms. Herrmann and her VIP welcoming students to school
Mrs. Eden’s class made applesauce today. The kids told me it will take 5 hours to be ready. Mrs. Mott and Mrs.Main are excited to try some tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Moriah Mott
making applesauce
making applesauce
making applesauce
making applesauce
Students in Ms. Glenn's Science class are doing a lab to help learn the concepts of Diffusion and Osmosis. Great teamwork, lab procedures, critical thinking, and problem solving.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
Lab work
Lab work 2
As a part of Mrs. Olson’s 4th grade Genius 30 project, Chief Frund from the Ladd Police Department spoke with students about his time with his K-9, Roxy. Thank you, Chief Frund, for taking time out of your day to virtually meet with Mrs. Olson’s class!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
Chief Frund
PCJH is happy to welcome Mr. Christian Harris as science teacher this year!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Students in Mr. Harris' Science class are reviewing for their test in teams, then can shoot for bonus points. Great way to review and have movement in the class.
over 2 years ago, Michael Olson
shooting hoops
reviewing for Science test
PC #535: Pink Bus is about 15 minutes delayed, which will impact transfers as well.
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PCHS is happy to welcome Ms. Katie Bratkovich at social studies teacher this year!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
PC #535: A friendly reminder that today is the third Wednesday of the month, so all PC schools dismiss at 2:00 PM (afternoon PreK dismisses at 2:15 PM).
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Trey S. and Brantley B. are having lunch with the Principal today!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Balestri
lunch with principal
PCJH is happy to welcome Ms. Becca Herrmann as special education teacher this year!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger
Hired during 2021-2022, PCES & PCJH is happy to welcome back Mrs. Jamie Munson as school nurse!
over 2 years ago, Clayton Theisinger